PDU Expert Support and Warranty Policy

The all-inclusive product support starts from the day you purchase your PDUeX PDU (Power Distribution Unit). All our products are shipped with a standard two-year warranty. Optional extended warranty support is also available for purchase; please contact our sales team or your distributor for information on plans and pricing.


If you have any difficulty with your products, please contact your distributor or reseller for first line support.


PDU Expert will work to troubleshoot your problem remotely. If the problem cannot be resolved, we will coordinate with your distributor or reseller to provide you an RMA number (Return Merchant Authorization) for the return and/or repair of the defective unit.


You will be responsible for all shipping charges to return the item to PDU Expert UK Ltd If your item is repaired under warranty; we will ship it back to you at no additional charge. However if your repair is due to a problem that is not covered under our warranty, shipping charges incurred in returning your item will be billed and payable by you. Please be sure to write the RMA number clearly on shipping documents, correspondence and/or packaging.


Equipment shall be returned in original packaging if possible, and if not possible then must be packaged with proper care to ensure the item is not damaged during shipment. You are financially responsible for any and all damages that occur as a result of improper or careless packaging. Upon receipt of your item at our facilities, we will evaluate the malfunction and will generally have a repaired or new item shipped within 48-72 hours.


Our warranty repairs are free of charge outside of shipping fees as noted above. All non-warranted repairs performed by our technicians will be charged at the standard rate plus parts. After diagnosis of equipment you will be notified of estimated charges before we continue repairs. Non-warranty repairs may be expedited through the delivery of a Purchase Order.


Email our Technical Support Department
Contact our Product Support Department at support@pduexperts.com